Vocational Diploma in Electrical Engineering (VDEE)
NVTC was accredited by the National Council of Higher Education in 2017 to start offering its diploma programes i.e The Vocational diploma in electrical engineering and the other in Automoble Engineering with a core vision of being the leading Hi-Tech vocational college of international status in the region.
This diploma programe lasts for 2 years and succesful candidates are awarded with UVQF Level Vocational diploma Award from DIT and also A UBTEB Vocational diploma Award , all after assesemnt by DIT and UBTEB respectively.
To address the current challenges , NVTC has centred this programme around specific objectives such To devlope gradates whoa re able to :-
- Plan, design, install and maintain industrial electrical systems
- Plan, design, install and maintain domestic electrical systems
- Plan, design, install and maintain solar PV systems
- Generate maintenance plans and sechdules for electrical industrial machines
- Program, automate and maintain industrial electrical systems
- Carry out engineering drawing with the help of computer aided design and be able to interpret the same.
- Supervise and generate technical reports related to inudstrial electrical systems